Specific Gravity (Heating Method) untuk kebutuhan alat laboratorium teknik sipil anda. Segera hubungi kami untuk detail, surat penawaran atau pemesanan.

Dimension (l x w x h) : 40 x 40 x 40 cm
Gross Weight : 10 kg
For determining specific gravity of soil sample.
GE-191 Hot Plate Electric, 220 V 1 Pc
GE-237 Asbestos Wire Gauze 15 cm x 15 cm 1 Pc
GE-363 Mixing Bowl Stainless steel, 250 mm dia. 1 Pc
GE-441 Density Bottle 100 ml capacity 3 Pcs
GE-473 Funnel Glass 1 Pc
GE-521 Wash Bottle 250 ml capacity 1 Pc
GE-601 Thermometer Range 0 – 100oC 1 Pc
Also required,
but not part of this set:AG-218A Sieve No. 4AG-250 Pan & CoverGE-150 Cent O-Gram BalanceGE-174 Drying OvenGE-452 DessicatorGE-749 Asbestos Gloves